

Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Chart of Accounts Validation Rules SQL

In doing some analysis work on performance, a consultant recently asked for an extract of all of our AX2012’s COA validation rules.
The below SQL is an attempt at regenerating the rules based off the data in the various related tables.
NB: I’m not 100% certain that this gives all rules as they’d appear in the application, but a few initial tests prove promising; so hopefully this SQL can be reused by others with similar requirements.

Here’s a small sample of our validation rules from AX:

AX 2012 Chart Of Accounts Validation Rules Screenshot

AX 2012 Chart Of Accounts Validation Rules Screenshot

Here’s the same rules, as produced by the below SQL:

AX 2012 Chart Of Accounts Validation Rules SQL Results Screenshot

AX 2012 Chart Of Accounts Validation Rules SQL Results Screenshot

Full SQL:

set transaction isolation level read uncommitted

;with c1 as
       select DimensionConstraintNode
       , STUFF
                     SELECT ';' + case 
                           when WILDCARDSTRING > '' then WILDCARDSTRING 
                           when RangeFrom=RangeTo then RangeFrom 
                           else concat(RangeFrom,'..',RangeTo) 
                     FROM DimensionConstraintNodeCriteria inside
                     where inside.DimensionConstraintNode = outside.DimensionConstraintNode
                     ORDER BY ORDINAL, RECID
                     FOR XML PATH (''),TYPE
       ) AS Rules
       from DimensionConstraintNodeCriteria outside
       group by DimensionConstraintNode
, ActiveDCN as
       select dct.dimensionhierarchy 
       , dhl.level_
       , dhl.dimensionattribute
       , AttributeName
       , dcn.dimensionhierarchylevel
       , dcn.RecId
       , c1.Rules
       from DimensionConstraintTree dct 
       inner join DIMENSIONHIERARCHYLEVEL dhl on dhl.dimensionhierarchy = dct.dimensionhierarchy
       inner join DIMENSIONATTRIBUTE da on da.recid = dhl.dimensionattribute 
       inner join DimensionConstraintNode dcn on dcn.DIMENSIONCONSTRAINTTREE = dct.recid and dcn.dimensionhierarchylevel = dhl.RECID
       left outer join c1
       on c1.DimensionConstraintNode = dcn.recid
    where (dcn.activeto = '1900-01-01 00:00' or dcn.activeto >= getutcdate())
    and (dcn.activefrom = '1900-01-01 00:00' or dcn.activefrom <= getutcdate())
select HierarchyName
, concat(dcn1.AttributeName,': ',coalesce(dcn1.Rules,'*')) R1
, concat(dcn2.AttributeName,': ',coalesce(dcn2.Rules,'*')) R2
, concat(dcn3.AttributeName,': ',coalesce(dcn3.Rules,'*')) R3
, concat(dcn4.AttributeName,': ',coalesce(dcn4.Rules,'*')) R4
inner join ActiveDCN dcn1 on dcn1.dimensionhierarchy = dh.recid and dcn1.level_ = 1 --not sure if level’s required; it does affect results; keeping in for now as improves performance (though also reduces result set by 75%)
left outer join ActiveDCN dcn2 on dcn2.ParentConstraintNode = dcn1.Recid --and dcn2.level_ = 2
left outer join ActiveDCN dcn3 on dcn3.ParentConstraintNode = dcn2.Recid --and dcn2.level_ = 3
left outer join ActiveDCN dcn4 on dcn4.ParentConstraintNode = dcn3.Recid --and dcn2.level_ = 4
--where dcn1.Rules like '%640103%' --to produce screenshot

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